The Ecomuseum of Margeride

The ecomuseum of Margeride is a “living” museum that evolves with the time, with its territory and its local population. As a true testimony of the way of life and the working conditions of the population through the years, it is divided in three sites located near North Lozère, in the Cantal department. Those three sites are meant to help the visitors immerse themselves in the history of this mountain-country, discover its heritage wealth and savoir-faire, and truly immerge in those discoveries. Indeed, you will be able to discover a farm, a school and a garden all in there local tradition form.

The authenticity of the place will enable you to reconnect with the region distant roots. Between yesterday and today, the ecomuseum unveils the intimacy of a territory and its population.

  • This visit is ideal for families, especially for grand-parents and their grand-kids !
  • 4€ / adult | 3€ / kids (free under 12 yo)
  • Open from june to september
  • For more details, give a call of visit the ecomuseum’s website.

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