Heritage & History

Outdoor fun


What do you mean “Truc”?

As you browse the Lozère map, you may notice a term that catches the eye: Truc. “Truc de Fortunio”, “Truc du Midi”… And you may ask yourself what “Truc” could mean. So, what’s a Truc? Explanations.

An old Occitan word

In french, the word “truc” is a -not so elegant- way to say “a thing” or “an item”… But as you can well imagine, the Lozère inhabitants didn’t name those places out of laziness or lack of proper term!

Actually, a Truc is a geological characteristic we use to refer to a hummock; a height on a moorland. Therefor, a height that “pops out” on a plateau. In Occitan, Truc means “a big stone, rock, erratic block, massive rock”, and is a recurrent word from Hautes-Alpes to Cantal!

The Truc de Fortunio is the highest peak of Margeride. A tower, on the top, contains the network of relay masts that feeds North Lozère and South Cantal television and public service. It also is a peak of the Charpal plateau, and from the viewpoint indicator placed there, we can spot the Cévènes National Park, the Monts d’Aubrac, the Monts du Cantal, the Massif du Maygal and Massif du Mezenc and of course the Charpal lake, further down. Situated in the heart of the Natura 2000 Zone of Margeride Mountains, the Truc de Fortunio is a choice destination for natural activities.

Lozère, land of the Trucs!

Indeed, although the Truc de Fortunio is especially impressive, it’s not the only Truc to populate Lozère’s landscapes. The Truc de Randon, not far away, was for a long time house to an antic castle of the Randon barony. It was offering an excellent view on the land moors and therefore allowed the lords to see the enemies coming from afar. Nowadays the castle is long destroyed, but the site is still a splendid walking spot, ideal to discover the Margeride.

Northwards, close to Malzieu-Forain, the Truc de Chapelat stands out with its spectacular panorama and preserved environment. There is no viewpoint indicator nor panels here: you’ll have to play adventurers in order to reach the peak! By the way, the climbing of this Truc makes the participants of Margeride Trail running race sweat streams every year. Moreover, when the sun sets, the view there is simply breathtaking.

As for the 1020 meters high Truc du Midi that overlooks Marvejols, it’s a popular photograph spot thanks to the sumptuous panoramas it offers. In the same area, we can also admire the Truc de Grèzes, the Truc de Saint-Bonnet de Chirac as well as the Truc de la Fare.  

You get it now: in Margeride, Trucs will… “get you high”.